Bellingham Week Joining Form
BELLINGHAM WEEK BOWLS CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 Entries are invited for the above Championships to be played on the greens of the Bellingham Bowling Club at 183 Bellingham Road SE6 IEQ between Monday 21 July and Friday 25 July 2014. If you think you will have difficulty playing on finals day please consider carefully before entering. SEMI FINALS & FINALS DAY WILL COMMENCE AT 9-9.30AM ON FRIDAY 25 JULY LADIES & MENS SINGLES ANY COMBINATION PAIRS ANY COMBINATION TRIPLES (Please note changes to playing times)ENTRIES WILL BE LIMITED TO 16 TRIPLES. (The organisers state their intention to ensure the guaranteed minimum number of games for each competitor. However circumstances beyond their control may cause this to be revised.) Closing date for singles and pairs entries will be Tuesday 1st July 2014. The triples it will be Wednesday 23rd July 2014 and will be first come first serve. Please feel free to pass this on.
| I/We wish to enter the Bellingham Week Bowling Championships Ladies or Mens Singles *Delete as appropriate Mr/Ms*…………………………………………….…Club………………………… Cost £5.00 Mr/Ms*… ……………………………………………Club………………………… Cost £5.00 Any Combination Pairs Names……………………………………………………………………………… Cost £12.00 Two Wood Any Combination Triples Name……………………………………………………………………………….. Cost £12.00
Total cost of entry £_________ All cheques to be made payable to "Bellingham Bowling Club" and returned to Andy Smith, 64 Green Way, Bromley BR2 8EY 020 8462 5037 e-mail [email protected] Please print name and address for all correspondence: - Name…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Address…………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Telephone Number………………………………………
e.mail …............................................@………………………………………………….